Main Stage - Hall 4


Time Details Speaker
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM : Registration and Welcoming Drinks  
Morning Session
10:00AM Welcome keynote
"Biotech Breakthroughs: Revolutionizing Food.and Agriculture

This keynote will shed light on the remarkable potential of biotech innovations, spanning from genetic engineering to microbiome research, and their pivotal role in driving unprecedented advancements across crop yields, pest resistance, and nutritional quality. Attendees will uncover how biotech transcends being merely a
tool for innovation to become a catalyst for addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing our global food systems. From mitigating the impacts of climate change to ensuring food security and promoting sustainable farming practices, biotechnology presents a diverse array of solutions that are revolutionizing agricultural practices.
Dr Faizal Abdul Hamid
AVP, Industry Development Division
Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation
10:30AM “Hack the Boundaries : Navigating Cross-Border Readiness”

As globalization continues to reshape the food and agriculture sectors, companies are increasingly seeking opportunities to expand their operations across borders. This panel will explore the essential strategies and considerations for ensuring cross-border readiness, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in international markets. Industry leaders and experts will share their insights on regulatory compliance, supply chain logistics, cultural adaptability, and sustainable practices that can enhance a company's success on the global stage.
Mr. Yusram Yusup
Director, Halal, F&B, Agro-based of MATRADE
11:30AM “Navigating the Path to Responsible Sourcing"

This presentation will highlight the significance of sustainable palm-based ingredients in various industries and examines the challenges posed by the European Union's Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). Through insightful analysis and case studies, attendees will uncover how RSPO certifications can serve as a strategic tool in addressing EUDR compliance while fostering sustainable practices. By emphasizing the importance of sustainability in food production and RSPO's instrumental role, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the imperative to adopt responsible sourcing practices and the tangible benefits of RSPO certifications in achieving this goal.
Ms Isiah Ishak
Deputy Director, Market Transformation Malaysia & Singapore
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Afternoon Session
12:00PM “Biotech Disruption: Cultivating the Future of Meat”

This keynote presentation will unveil the latest advancements in biotechnology for
alternative meat production, from cell-based meats to precision fermentation, and explore the opportunities and challenges in scaling these innovations to meet
global demand.

Peter Yu, Program Director, APAC Society for Cellular Agriculture
Dr. Jay, CTO & Co-founder of DaNAgreen
Dr. James Lim, Temasek Polytechnic
1:00PM “The Great Debate: Food Tech Showdown"

Two teams of experts will engage in a spirited debate, presenting opposing viewpoints on contentious topics of lab-grown meat vs. traditional agriculture.
Jason Ng, Director, Cell Agritech & Scholars
“Battle Royale: Clash of Culinary Titans"

Top student chefs will compete in a high-stakes culinary showdown, pushing the limits of creativity and skill as they transform mystery ingredients into awe-inspiring dishes that redefine gastronomic excellence.

Taylor's University, School of Food Studies and Gastronomy

GCCM Competition Zone - Hall 2

DAY 3 - 3rd Global Culinary Challenge Malaysia

Individual Challenge  
08:00AM - 10:00AM 1st Match  
10:30AM -12:30PM 2nd Match  
11:00AM - 12:00PM Rendang ChickenCookingChallenge  
1:00PM - 3:00PM 3rd Match Concurrent MasterChef Show
3:30PM - 5:30PM 4th Match
Team Challenge  
7:00AM - 3:30PM Finals  
7:00PM - 10:00PM 3rd Global Culinary Challenge Malaysia 2024 Awards Dinner  